Fine Art. print. music. ceramics. performance. photography & More
sonoma art walk
first thursday of the month
Enjoy a monthly celebration of Sonoma's vibrant businesses and local artists.
Join us every first Thursday of the month. Visit wine tasting rooms, retailers, art galleries and restaurants to meet local artists and view their work. This will also include interactive demonstrations and short films.
Art Walk Begins Here
Every month a different participating venue will host the Art walk. Stop by the host at 5pm to pick up the map. Other venues will have a map as well if you start later. Click for host and map locations.
Sonoma Community Center

Download the HipMaps app on your iPhone from Apple’s App Store or from Google Play for your Android phone. Use access code "artwalk".
Participating Venues
The Arts Guild of Sonoma
Sonoma Chamber of Commerce
Sonoma Community Center
Sonoma Valley Museum of Art
Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau

Plan your route around the plaza. Look for the Sonoma Art Walk flags to help identify your stops.
Sip wine, view art, and make friends as you support Sonoma businesses and artists.

Showcase Your Artwork​
If you would like to have your art displayed at a participating venue for an Art Walk evening please contact Gail Duffley of Arts Guild of Sonoma by clicking the signup link below or emailing her at gail.duffley@zoho.com. Send her your name, contact information, and link to your work.
The Arts Guild of Sonoma will match you with a participating venue on a first come, first serve basis. The venue will contact you to arrange your show details. The venue will also determine installation and take down time of your work.
Artists MUST BE PRESENT at the venue during the time of the Art Walk from 5:00-7:30, the first Thursday of the month.
Be part of the Sonoma Art Walk.
Are you a business who would like to participate? Please register at the link below. If you have questions feel free to email us directly at info@sonomachamber.org.
If you are a business who needs to be matched with an artist, you can choose to be matched on the registration form. If you have questions about the matching process please email the Art Guild at gail.duffley@zoho.com.